Wednesday, January 29, 2014

More Snow...

Hello All...

Can you believe another Tuesday plagued with weather that challenges our schedule? Again...better safe than sorry! I hope that you all are enjoying the snow. We are staying in and cozy watching others get out and about.

Of the mention of snow, the children get a little batty! So...the volume in our class was up a few decibels. It gets a little taxing at times for me to keep going. Please continue to discuss with your child the importance of low volume discussions inside a classroom and self-control in wanting to contribute their idea or answer in our conversations.

I did not send home the copies of the LTW outline and guidelines as I planned to do...I realized as I was handing out the material yesterday that I had printed the wrong information. Please use pg. 81 outline and pg. 86 guidelines in your guide for the Secret Garden paper. (ignore the "marking" for now)

We did not take our quiz on the geography terms. The majority of the class had forgotten, so we are going to take it next week. Study terms from Weeks 1 and 2. There will be a quiz on Week 4 and Week 5. Remember that each "odd numbered" week we will have a geography quiz!

We did not get to our science topic for this week. They will be starting the lungs. I sent home a paper from the Biology book that they can work on. Next week, they will be expected to be able to draw and label the human lungs from memory.

It is important for the students to take Math tests at home. It is a great way to see how they are doing with concepts being taught.

Thanks to the Ward family for those yummy treats from Asia. The baklava and powdered donuts were delicious! Next week, the Agresti family is up to bring in a snack from Asia.

Follow the guide with the weekly assignments. There are no deviations this week.


Friday, January 24, 2014


Hello Challenge A Folks!

We are following the guide with each subject!

A note on LTW!!
The Secret Garden paper is due until Week 4. We discussed each student's question and the issue they are going to support. I will be sending home a copy of the outline from the guide pg. 81. Also, there is a checklist of the necessary elocution elements for this paper in the guide on pg.86. I will be using this checklist to evaluate these papers.

The geography snack for this week is from Asia, and the Ward family will be providing it for us. Thanks bunches...

A note on weather schedule changes!!
If we cancel classes, I will email and text you as I have done in the past. Tuesday, some of the classes let out early. Because we, in Challenge A, have many of the younger siblings, some of them left too. I did not notify everyone in the class, because I had planned on staying.The early dismissal was not communicated as well as I had wanted, but in the future, if we decide to dismiss early, I will have your child call you.

Please keep Hope Agresti and her family in your prayers as they deal with the unexpected death of her grandfather.

The class behavior was much better this week...keep up the good work!