Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hello All...

There was lots of energy in our room yesterday! Whoa! I can tell that Spring is in the air. Let’s try to encourage the children to stay focused and lower their vocal volumes so we can more easily move from one topic to the next. We have four more weeks!!

Here is some info for next week...

--be on the lookout for pirate gear...eye patch, bandana, big loop earring, etc. Let’s not get any pirate costumes, instead we can wear blue jeans and big white shirts on the night of the program. Please do not be financially burdened by this. I have lots of blue bandanas and probably an eye patch or two somewhere around. Dollar tree may have some stuff too.

--be thinking about how we will present the we want to use we want to act out what we can.

--I will get the ship and put it in my car to use as our prop.


--Those children that are interested in Memory Master should be reciting to parent and another adult. When you are ready for me to work with your student, let me know and we can arrange a time. I am pretty sure that you should be ready to recite memory work to me by or on Week 23 giving Cynthia a week or so to work in time with her.

--Those children that are doing Memory Power or Excellence can arrange a time with me as well.

--If you have any questions, please let me know. If I do not have an answer, I will check with Cynthia.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your school week. I love, love, love your children and am blessed to have spent time with them...even when they are chatty!!


Debbie (or Mrs. Black)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Hello All...

What great fun we had on Tuesday with the Valentines! I apologize for keeping you all so late...just not enough time in the morning!

Just a quick reminder that our presentations for the next two Tuesdays will be on an Essentials topic. You can choose to read one of your papers, or do a presentation on a paper topic. You can have one visual, but it is not necessary. The visual should, of course, relate to the topic.

Remember those presentation skills! I will be evaluating them with my checks!


We will be studying the orchestra and classical music for the last 6 weeks. I thought we might move, but we are not. We will continue to meet in the kitchen. Our beautiful classical music should not disturb the pastor’s study like our tin whistle music!

Love to you all! Have a great weekend!

Debbie (or Mrs. Black depending on who is reading the text!)