Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Challenge A - Week 6

YAY!!! What a much, much better day! They earned their fifth banner, so a treat of some kind is in the works for next week. I am thinking about pizza for lunch...or something! Please watch out for an email to come with details.

Let's get right to business...

We discussed the concepts from Lessons 25 - 28. We spent a lot of time finding LCM using prime numbers. It was great fun to watch their light bulbs go off throughout the room...(Mine included!) Please spend a little time this week working with the calculator as directed in Lesson 25. It will be helpful for them to know how to use it with reciprocals as they move through Algebra and beyond!

For the week - Follow the guide!

Literature and Composition
I gave them an enlarged copy of the outline. They can use this or create one of their own using this format for their essays due Week 7. This essay will be more detailed, but just follow the outline. An example is in their Student Book on page 24. You can use some of the IEW dress ups familiar to most of you in order to present a strong case to support your thesis. I can see -ly words, strong verbs, and sentence openers being used. But, you don't have to.

The proofs and the supports come from the inventory on the ANI chart. When writing the supports, you may want to use something from the "Interesting" column. (I told you we would get to this column) Also, when sorting in the future...we do not have to sort the "Interesting" column. We only sort the Affirmative and Negative columns.

We discussed "Parallelism" and looked at the examples on page 20 in the Student Book. They should use this "scheme," or technique, in the essay they write this week. Follow the guide and work on some of the parallelism exercises in the Student Book pages 20-24. Parallelism is defined in the Teacher Book on page 70 toward the top of the page.

If you are struggling with LTW...watch and re-watch the videos. Let your student watch the videos with you. I have found them to be quite useful when I get stuck on a topic. If you get busy this week, let your student watch the videos without you! With only having an hour each week with LTW, I will never have enough time to address every issue, so most of the instruction will need to come from their teachers.

Also...you are welcome to come to class some to learn this with your student.

For the week - Follow the guide!

We reviewed the role of nouns in a sentence. Those who are quicker with Latin even enjoyed the review. Once we identified the noun role, we were able to decide which Latin case and number to use. We did not decline them, but we looked at the English and Latin together.

I sent home a paper with about 5 sentences on it. I want them #1 to decide what the case and number is for each noun, and #2 to translate these sentences into Latin. They will be working with 1st Declension noun endings and verb agreement from Lesson 1.

Remember... #1  There are no articles in Latin. They are "understood" with
                          the nouns.
                    #2  The verb is usually at the end of the sentence.

Please feel free to work ahead in Latin with your student. If they are getting it, let them work. I just know that we are all going to be on the same page soon. Once these basics are understood...

We had a "Round Room" discussion about the age of the earth. It was really enlightening to see how much of the Bible the students were able to talk about. They did not have specific verses, but they had the idea. I think I will challenge them in the future to find the verse they want to use in discussion.

We all did come to the same conclusion...The age of the earth and the time of a day was not as important as our knowledge and love for Christ Jesus and His undeniable love for us!

For the week - Follow the guide!

Several students presented their writing and illustration of their trees. They were great...I do like that they all did something different. It makes for interesting listening when the topics are all different. Thank you Katie for the apples off the tree from the campus. Yummy!

For the week - Follow the guide!

We located several countries and capitals in Central America. We did not get to the Antilles. We took the Geography Terms Quiz. I collected them and will return them corrected Week 7. We then played Geo Term Bingo. It was lots of fun to watch them try to figure out, once I called out the definition, if they had the word. Keep practicing each week, not only just the week at hand, but all the way back to Week 1! I may pull this game out again sometime. A special thanks to Seth for the yummy Coconut Bread and to Jenny for the yummy Mexican cookies! Wendy, Seth's mom, is going to send me the recipe. When she does, I will forward it to you!

For the week - Follow the guide! Test on Central America and the Antilles.

Thank you for talking with your child about classroom behavior. I do want the during class talking to keep to a minimum, but what a great class to want to socialize with each other. I just love this class...each and every one of them.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Challenge A - Week 5

I have decided that creative blog writing is not my strength, so I am going to just write the basics! I hope that is okay. If I run across something during the week that I think you would like to see or hear, then I will send it via email.

Each morning, I start the day by randomly opening the Bible and reading a passage that my eye catches! Today, I opened to Hebrews 11! Oh...the faith of our forefathers. I encourage you to read the chapter with your child and be encouraged to "Keep the Faith,"even in the day to day difficulties of life!

This was quite a day! Whoa...

The class did not get banner #5 for a special treat next week. Here are the things that I noticed today...

---there was talking across the room to classmates

---there was talking to classmates sitting next to each other

---there were several students who just didn't do the work that I was trying to get them to do in class, ie. not doing math problems, or writing down something quickly as I walked through the room to see how they were doing

---several did not follow directions. I had to repeat myself 3 or 4 times to get them to do what I asked

---several of the students were not prepared for class...not just the work, but did not have items that we use for class, ie. they did not have a Bible, or their atlas, or the geography maps from their guide

---I actually stopped going over new geography because I could not speak over several students talking while I was

---Several of the students were looking on other students' maps while testing for Canada

If it were just one or two of the same students, then I would address the issue with that individual parent, but it was a little bit of everyone. Please, please, please reinforce respectful class behavior. The room is too small for there to be any talking above a whisper. It distracts everyone.

I am a very strong disciplinarian and I attempted to halt behavior as I saw it, but it was constant today. Again, most everyone contributed to the chaos of today!

Now, with that out of the way, let's get to the subjects!

--We discussed practiced items and grammar from Lessons 21 through Lessons 24.

--Follow the guide for the weekly lessons.

--We had a great discussion about the continental drift, as well as what has happened to Earth over time. Also, it was interesting to learn about how Jesus describes himself in the Gospels.

--Follow the guide for the weekly lessons.

Literature and Composition--
--We added to the ANI charts using the "5 Common Topics." We sorted the affirmative items and discussed how to sort the negative. We looked at what the next essay outline will look like on page 18 in the Student Guide.

--I returned the Rudimentary Essay!

--Sort the negative items on the ANI chart. Do Lesson Two Arrangement A "A Guide to Sorting," as instructed in the guide.

--Using the outline on page 18 in the Student Guide, write a thesis, and decide what their three proofs will be. We can work on the supporting details in class.

--The Canada drawing test was done. We looked at Central America, the Greater and Lesser Antilles.

--We played Geo-Term Hangman, which they were quite good at! Keep studying those terms.

--I returned the America maps.

--This week draw and label Central America and the Greater and Lesser Antilles. Study the geography terms from Week 4 and Week 5 for a quiz and game.

--Here is the list of geo snacks...

Challenge A Geography Snacks
Fall semester
Central America/Caribbean
Central America/Caribbean
South America
South America

--The presentations on herbs were great! There was a lot of variety, which I thought was interesting. Thanks, Katie, for the cheese and herb snack!

--We watched a brief power point presentation on NC trees, then headed outside for a tree hunt. I was amazed at the number of different trees that were on the church grounds!

--Tree presentations are specific this week. The topics are as follow...

   Jenny - Red Maple
   Hope - Weeping Willow
   Meredith - Magnolia
   Maren - Loblolly Pine
   Katie - Plum Tree
   Matthew - Red Oak
   Ryan - American Holly
   Zach - Yellow Poplar
   Rachel - Red Bud
   Cara - Dogwood

--There are several students that are struggling a bit with Latin. Before we move any further into Lesson 2, I thought we should be sure of some basics. So...I backed up some!

--We reviewed parts of speech. We cannot decline or understand the case of a noun in Latin without having a grasp of what the noun role is in a sentence in English. Today, we covered subject and predicates with the focus on the subject noun, the nominative case!

--I am going to continue working with Lesson One material for next week. If your child is struggling with Latin, practice declining the noun vocabulary again from Lesson One. And, review the role of nouns in a sentence. (Subject, Direct Object, Object of the Preposition, Possessive, and Indirect Object)

--Please feel free to move on with the guide. I am sure that once the students grasp these basics, we will move quickly to catch up!

That's All Folks!

Have a great week and know that I am blessed each Tuesday by spending time with your children. I love them in spite of this day!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Challenge A - Week 3
Another wonderful week with your children! Thank you for sharing them each Tuesday with me! I pray they are having a fun time learning, and that they are getting adjusted to the challenge programs.
Long post...please be sure to read carefully! I am not a great writer, nor a very interesting one, but I am working on it. Please bear with me as I learn to blog in a more interesting fashion.

We discussed and demonstrated problems about equal groups from Lesson 13. Without much prompting, the students could tell me about parts of a whole being fractions, decimals, and percentages. We worked a bit on Lesson 14 with problems using parts of a whole. We spent more time on looking at equivalent fractions using a clear ruler. By using the ruler, the students could see the equivalent fractions of an inch. I stressed, stressed, and stressed the importance of reducing fractions. We did not do problems or examples in doing so, but we will start with this on Week 4 as a review. I may do that each week to get them used to reducing. That was such an issue with my own children...can they ever get enough practice?? Lesson 16 was briefly discussed, but we did not do any conversions.

This week...
**Complete Lessons 17 - 20 as directed in the guide
**Take Test 3 at home
**Bring your answers and any problems with the lessons to class


They are ready to write their rudimentary persuasive essay. PARENTS PLEASE NOTE...this is an rudimentary essay. It should be short and simple following the example on page 7 in the Student Book. It may seem too simple for them after working with IEW, but remember that we are learning a different type of writing. IEW are lessons are on information gathering and expository writing. LTW are lessons on persuasive writing, which they will learn to "dress-up" a different way as they go through the program. Keep reminding yourselves and your students of this point. All writing cannot be addressed with the IEW method. It is a wonderful way to introduce and carry students through their elementary years, but it is time to develop a more critical approach. LTW offers that, but we have to start with baby steps. This year Challenge A programs across the CC community are starting LTW, next year Challenge B will be added, the next year Challenge 1 will be added and so on. Your students are ushering in a new way to express their ideas, and hopefully, persuade others to believe as they do. Can you see how this can be used by God to further His kingdom?

This week...
**Write the simple persuasive essay supporting the thesis we developed in class. Some of the students believe that Edmond should have followed the White Witch, and others believe he shouldn't have. We discussed proofs supporting both points of view. They should have those in their Student Books.

**Read Carry On Mr. Bowditch

Latin was shortened so we could finish the proofs with LTW. We declined the vocabulary on page 7 in the Accusative case and discussed when to use this case. We did not discuss the Genitive case on page 16 in the purple book as much as I would have liked, but Ex. 8 and Ex. 9 will cover it. 
NOTE: When the exercise directions read "Say in English or Latin", I want them to write it and say it. 
This week...
**Complete the following:  Ex. 6, even numbers; Ex. 7, odd numbers; Ex. 8 even numbers; Ex. 9 odd numbers. (Of course, they can do more!!)
**Study for Lesson 1 Quiz. Which will be open book, and they will be able to discuss the quiz with their classmates...not me! (I envision a big huddle in the middle of the room with the students discussing on their own...Lesson 1 Latin. That looks so cool to me in my mind... I hope you catch the vision as well!)
**NO STRESSING ABOUT THE QUIZ. By design, it will set them up to succeed, not fail. I will not let that happen. I will be watching their interactions closely!! 
Click on link to hear vocabulary from Lesson 1.
Click on link to hear the First Declension noun endings. Stop the video at 1.06 minutes!
I know now why so many tutors enjoy this part of the day. We had a great discussion about how God created the "odd planet", earth to support life for us. They will be reading and writing more about our "odd planet" this week. In DCYB, we read about how truly different God is from "the force" that Luke Skywalker depended on. This book is so much fun to do with the students. Be sure to be learning three catechism questions each week. By Week 4, they should know the first 9.
This week...
**Read Chapter 3 in both books and record the written work in their blue spiral books.
**Study the first 9 catechism questions.  
Your children are so diligent! They worked diligently on the US map and features drawing quiz. The geography terms stumped some of them, so be sure to keep up with those.
I am going to switch things up a bit. Instead of giving them the drawing test and the geographical term quiz on the same day...I am going to alternate them. Every odd numbered week, they will have the drawing and labeling test. Every even week, they will have the geographical term quiz. that is self checked. 
So...Week 4, they will be quizzed on the geographical terms for Week 3! Week 5, they will be tested on Canada. Week 6, they will be quizzed on Week 4 and Week 5 geographical terms, etc.
We started Canada and watched a video introducing us to our wonderful northern neighbors. Thanks to the Gaines family for the delicious maple donuts and candy, and the salt and vinegar chips. I love maple anything!!
NOTE ON GRADING GEO STUFF! I will give a 1, 2, or 3 depending on the artistry, accuracy, and neatness of the map drawing. If you, as the teacher, want to give a different type of grade, then please feel free.
The quizzes are self corrected. I have them circle the numbers that they did not answer and mark the numbers they missed. This will give you an idea of how they did. Some students were tempted to change answers when the checked their work. Please let them know that this is unacceptable. Take a moment this week and discuss integrity and honesty. No grade is worth comprising one's integrity...this vital life lesson has got to take hold now, and with urgency, if you have not already discussed it with your child. Believe me...I did! And I will stay on it!
This week...
**Study Week 3 geo terms for quiz.
**Draw...Draw...Draw and label Canada. Since Canada is such a difficult draw with the northern islands, I am fine with them "blobbing" those islands. They must, however, label the provinces and featured islands correctly.
We listened to all the reports except a couple. On Week 4, I would like to do something a bit different. I want to go on a wildflower hunt and do flower and herb pressing in class. I think class would be more interesting if we did some presentations and some topic associated hand-on activity. Please let me know what you think about this. It is a slight diversion from the guide, but I want to incorporate all the learning modalities.
This week...
**Wildflowers is the research topic. Bring in a thick book that we can use to press our flowers. I will send it home for you to stack more things on top. Joe thought of a cinderblock to use at home...great idea!
Have a great week!!