Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hello Moms of Masters...

Natalie emailed me this morning to ask about a Marble Reward. Although I have not been adding marbles to the jar, your children deserve a special treat from us. Had I been adding marbles like I should have, it would be overflowing.

There will be pizza for lunch, but to munch on during ‘bout fruit? It was a big hit last year! Some items to consider are... apples, grapes (red and green), oranges, Cuties, pineapple, ... I would suggest water to drink because it goes best with the fruit, but if you all want to get something else, then that would be great.

Let me know what you think! I am open to any ideas!

****I will be available after lunch on Tuesday for Memory Testing. I believe that I have two more students going for Memory Master, so I would like to test them first. It will take about 30 minutes each. After that, I can come get the others for testing. If you cannot test on Tuesday, see me to set up another time.

Please remind your Masters students that I love them, even when I have to remind them to correct their behavior and words! You all have awesome children and their enthusiasm is contagious! Thanks for sharing them with me each Tuesday. I will miss them...and YOU!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hello All...

The class was much more attentive this week with much less chatter! Thank you so much for taking a minute to encourage your child to stay with me. I even have to remind me...and my own son!

TWO quick notes for the week:
1. Begin the Memory Master testing with a parent and possibly another adult. Cynthia will be ready for the Director testing in Week 24 and some in Week 25, if needed. You will arrange a time with her.

2. PIRATE STUFF...eye patch, bandana (any bright color), big hoop earring, white shirt (any kind), blue jeans (cuffed up), black pirate boots or bare feet.

***********and any prop you may need...anchor, sword, treasure chest, chains, ropes, flags, etc.

***********I will take care of the boat and sails and such

***********You can bring your pirate stuff in a Ziploc bag with your name on it and I will keep it

                      You can begin to bring in your props as soon as possible, and I will keep them in
                       a safe place

***********ARRRRGGGGGG!!! Learn your prepositions and make up actions for them.

Love to you all!
Mrs. Black (or Debbie, depending on who is reading this )